Oak Class 2024 - 2025

Miss Kiely

Welcome Year 1 and Year 2

Welcome to Oak Class which is a mixture of children from Year 1 and Year 2. I’m looking forward to an exciting year together! We are going to work hard but have lots of fun along the way.

Meet the team

Hollie Kiely


Art Subject Lead 

In Reading, we are going to be looking at books across a range of themes, including traditional tales, science, history and poetry. In Writing, there will be lots of opportunities to write your own ideas, including narratives, information reports and a secret diary entry. In Maths, we are going to be building on your knowledge from last year and also learn new strategies to help you answer different questions types and solve problems.

Please look at our curriculum overview to find out what interesting topics we are covering this term. They might include investigating materials in Science, exploring different parts of the world in Geography or getting creative with painting, drawing and craft in Art.

PE is on a Thursday

Oak class will go swimming every Monday afternoon

Forest School is fortnightly on Thursdays

Daily reading at home is expected. Remember, you can earn a raffle ticket for every time you read to be in with a chance of winning a prize at the end of term.

Homework will be sent out on a Friday. Please return your homework in the book provided by the following Thursday. Each week there will be a spelling / phonics task and a Maths task for you to complete.

Regular practice on Numbots and TT Rockstars is also expected to develop your speed and accuracy for working out calculations.

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