Welcome back! I hope you all had a fabulous summer and had lots of time to rest in time for this new school year. I’m very excited to share with you all some of the things we have coming up.
Sycamore Class 2024 - 2025
Mrs Steyn
Welcome Year 3 and Year 4
Meet the team
Erin Steyn
Throughout the year we will be looking at a range of interesting texts focusing on lots of different writing skills. In maths the Year 3 children will have a mix of multiplication, addition and subtraction, measurements and so on…There will be a large focus on multiplications for the Y4’s this year, as they will have a test in the summer term, (If you are a year 4 make sure you keep practicing as much as you can!)
In our wider curriculum we have lots of chances to get creative during art, music etc… we will even be designing and making our own wraps in food tech! Our History Topics throughout follow the Romans, Angelo Saxons and The Vikings!
I hope you all as excited as I am!
PE days - Monday and Tuesday
Forest school fortnightly on a Tuesday
Home work will be sent home every Friday to be returned the following Thursday. All children are expected to read every day to an adult, practice their times tables on TT Rockstars and practice the spellings sent home. Additional home work such as maths and English will also be sent home. All home work will be marked on Friday.
Year 4 need to make sure you are regularly practicing TT Rockstars at home!
Please make sure children bring a water bottle with them each day and a coat if needed. Please label their clothing if possible so things don’t go missing!