Spanish at Bollinbrook

¡Bienvenidos a nuestra página de español!

Spanish is our new Modern Foreign Language at Bollinbrook.

MFL lessons begin in Key Stage 2, however, EYFS and KS1 join in with Spanish culture days and are also taught basic vocabulary by their teachers to encourage early language development and an introduction to MFL lessons. When children enter KS2, every class has a timetabled lesson slot each week which is taught by our staff with the sport of a Spanish language specialist from our feeder high school The Fallibroome Academy. Teachers are present in classes during this time and this helps them to embed the skills of the specialist language teacher throughout the school day.

In addition to these discrete lessons, teachers promote Spanish to be spoken as part of the school day by encouraging children to use their language skills in a range of different activities, for example taking the register, giving instructions, asking for drinks, writing dates and celebrating birthdays.

We also have access to Language Angels which is a fantastic resource. All children have their own log ins with access to the interactive games!

Useful Links

If you would like to practise your Spanish at home, with your child, you could also visit these websites or join in with some of the songs below:


Education Quizzes (Spanish)

Spanish Games


Letter sounds in Spanish

Here is a useful guide on pronouncing the Spanish alphabet!

A ah J hota R ereh
B beh K kah S eseh
C theh L eleh T teh
Ch cheh Ll elyeh U ooh
D deh M emeh V oobeh
E eh N eneh W oobeh
F efeh Ñ enyeh   dobleh
G heh O oh X ekis
H acheh P peh Y ee-gree-
I ee Q ku   ay-gah
        Z theta